
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

New Semester Ahead

Thrilled? No, not really.

More like anxious to me.

Edan, gak berasa aja udah mau semester 6. Dua semester lagi, trus wisuda! *amin* What??!! Udah mau lulus aja?? Cepet bangeeett!!! Dx

Gw bahkan masih bingung mau KP dimana, apalagi what's next after college. Seperti bodoh saja.

Oh well, let it be.
I'll figure something out on the way, haha.


Gw lagi ngerjain sesuatu, my second attempt on digital drawing actually and as a matter of fact, i love it!

See it for yourself.
HAHA! The boy's hair and eye color are actually matched Harry Potter's, and the girl's matched Ginny Weasley's. No, i didn't do it in purpose. Probably.

Lagi diwarnain sebenernya sekarang, but i know me. Slacking!

Yaudalaya, it's only for fun kan lagian.

P.S. What funny is, gambar iseng ini yang gak selesai-selesai sebenernya juga pelarian dari sesuatu yang harusnya gw kerjain. Something more important.

Oh God, why am i like thiiss??

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