
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Catching Up

Yep, that's what i've been doing these days and i'm telling you, it sucks and super depressing.

This post is gonna be brief.
Here it goes.

Inget gambar yang gw posting sebelum ini? Yang cuma outline? I've colored the pic, named her Summer. Trus karna gw suka banget sama si Summer ini, i decided to make another, named her Winter.

Have a look. :D

Yea i know Winter looks kinda creepy being pale and all, but i kinda like her. I guess.

Gw juga lagi order buku, The Mysterious Benedict Society buku ketiga sama The Laws of Magic buku satu.

Semoga bukunya cepet sampeee.
Gak sabaar~ xD

Yowes sekian aja.

P.s. semester ini tinggal beberapa minggu lagi dan gw blom tau mau kp dimana.

I'm hopeless~

Oh and by the way, selamat Hari Kartini~


Frey si pencuap said...

Waaaa... Rhein,,, cool.
Kamu kuliah jurusan apa se betewe?

orangebeyondblue said...

Makasii~ xD
Jurusan DKV, hehe..

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