Inget gambar in progress yang gw post sebelumnya? Kalo gak inget scroll bawah aja. Akhirnya selesai! Padahal simpel setengah mati, tapi baru kelar sekarang.
I should be ashamed.
Here it is! :D
Ya benar sekali, gw males bikin background, yaudah dibiruin aja kayak gitu, hweheheh.
I gotta say, i can actually do better, tapi gambar ini gak terlalu mengecewakan juga jadi ya i can say i'm pretty satisfied.
Greetings, visitor!
This fiddling blog contains my reviews; of movies I recently saw and books I recently read, and mostly my random rants about anything that comes across my mind.
I hope you enjoy your visit.
Come again some other time and don't forget to leave some comments!
Woaaaa... suka-suka... keren!
Makasiiih~ :D
abuu gambarnya keren ! ciee ciee
banyakin bu gw pengen liat lagi cewe2 cantik berbulu mata lentik bikinan lu
ps. that girl mirip ga in xD
Kyaa kyaaa~ xD Jadi semangat.
Ntar ya bi, gw bikin lagi.
Does she? Ga In? Masa siih? 8D
senyumnya menawan euy.. xD
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